The re-scheduled Family Fun Day 2017 will now be held on this Saturday 2nd September commencing at 3pm. The annual club fund-raiser will be preceeded by the inaugural U17 Billy Malone Memorial Camogie Tournament. All the usual attractions will be there, Where will Winnie Pooh???, Bric-a-Braq, the popular raffle for a large trailer of sticks and of course the eagerly awaited Timber Auction. In addition there will be a sports evening for all U6, U8, U10, U12 children, races and novelty races. For the older ones, there will be skills competitions with prizes for the winners. The barbeque and kitchen will be in full swing so save on the cooking and come and join us for your evening tea.!! The annual Billy Ronan Tournament will be played at six o’clock where our Intermediates will take on the Danesfort Senior team. So come along and support the Family Fun and Sports Evening 2017. Entry is free to all.!!